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Off-Season devotionals



Luke 15:20-24  (NIV)

So he got up and went to his father. But while he was still a long way off, his father saw him and was filled with compassion for him; he ran to his son, threw his arms around him and kissed him.


In the story of the prodigal son we see that by his own volition he left his father and lived a life that was reckless and uncontrolled.  The end result of his wantonness was loss; he lost everything he had and he was in need.  This need led him to a place of servitude. 


We can relate the experience this son had to a Spiritual experience.  Many times we leave the presence of our Father; and when we do, our lives become reckless and uncontrolled.  Apart from Christ we can do nothing of Spiritual value; consequently, when we leave His presence we can only produce carnal fruit.  This fruit leaves us needy and we become servants to the flesh.   Instead of living as a son, we live as a slave. 


The son eventually realized that he could find relief at his father’s house, but he did not understand that he could go back as a son.  He was willing to take on the position of a slave because he mistakenly thought he had to.  He believed that his sin kept him from his position as a son.  How many times do we fall for the same lie?  We are deceived because we erroneously believe that our identity has something to do with us.  The identity of a Christian is based on Christ; we are sons and daughters because of Him and His love for us!  Our position in Christ is not based on us; therefore, it cannot be lost because of us.  We did not earn our Spiritual identity and we cannot lose it, either – but we can forfeit it.

Seasonal Fear 


Philippians 1:28 AMP

And do not [for a moment] be frightened or intimidated in anything by your opponents and adversaries, for such [constancy and fearlessness] will be a clear sign (proof and seal) to them of [their impending] destruction, but [a sure token and evidence] of your deliverance and salvation, and that from God.



Fear can overtake us during an off-season.  All off-seasons present us with doubts about who we are in Christ, our lives, our futures, our families, and so on.  These doubts are presented – they do not have to be accepted.  We can reject the fear by focusing on what the Word of God declares about our trial.  Faith is fearless!   Faith overcomes fear.  Faith declares God’s promise instead of what your situation is articulating.  Faith will show the enemy that the victory is yours. 


When you are fearless it is because you are faith-full; you are full of the good promises of your God!  Fear is of the flesh; fear is not Spiritual – fearlessness is!  In order for you to live fearless in the face of adversity, you must be immersed in the Word.  Your steady intake of the Word will produce faith, not fear, in your life.  Fear is not for God’s children. 


Fear can keep you from moving forward to take hold of what God has for you; it can keep you in your off-season.  Man settles when man believes that he cannot experience anything better than what he currently has.  We must fight those feelings with the Word!  God has good plans for us!  We must avoid fear like we would avoid physical sickness.  The Word of God is our prescription for fear.  If we will fill ourselves with the good things of God’s Word, then the infection of fear will be rendered harmless.  

Do you want to take possession of what God has for you?  Then tread fearlessly! 

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